Community Radio as an Effective Tool for Agricultural Development, The Impact Of The Media In Checking Economic Crime, The Use Of Internet As A Communication Tool In International Marketing, COMMUNICATION GAP: EFFECT ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE, class work, assignment and project writings, Mass Communication final year project topics with abstract pdf, Mass Communication project topics and materials, Mass Communication project topics for final years, Mass Communication project topics for school students, project ideas for Mass Communication students, project topics for Mass Communication students, The Theory X and Theory Y are the Theories Propounded by Douglas Mc Gregor, Community Radio Broadcasting and Agricultural Development of Obosi Town in Anambra State, The Impact of the Mass Media on Rural Development, The Role of the Media in the Political Development of Nigeria, An Analysis of Students Perception of the 18+ Warning Sign in Alcohol Advertisements in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions, The Role Community Relations Has Played on the Corporate Image of Shell Petroleum Plc Port Harcourt, Foreign News Coverage in U.S. News Magazines, Hazards and Prospects of Journalism in Nigeria, 10 Mass Communication Research Project Topics (New), The Role of the Media in Promoting Good Governance in Nigeria, The Challenges of the Mass Media in Promoting Good Governance in Nigeria, Integrated Marketing Communications and Consumers Patronage of Nigerian Beverage Products, Evolution of Outdoor Advertising in Nigeria, The Role of Women in the Socio-economic Development of Nigeria. Supporting The Sinner 9. CHAPTER FIVE Example is a ⦠The approach involved desk study and field visits. The inclusive yet localised approach of community radio makes it an important tool for community empowerment. 2.2 Meaning of Broadcasting Media 6-7 The station has been an appropriate medium that has facilitated an interface between duty bearers and rights holders. 3.4 Sample Size 21 Therefore, community radio generally becomes a tool for disseminating information to poor, illiterate people who live deep in rural areas. (2009), âUsing Community Radio in Ghana to Facilitate Community Participation in Natural Resource Managementâ, Ecqiud Novi-African Journalism Studies, 30(1), 73-93. Other StationsCongratulations. Appendix. 30There is a very high degree of listener participation in the programmes, and the rural audience likes to hear themselves and their neighbours. The absence of these CBPs in these communities makes it costly for the people to send their views and announcements to the station. In a focus group discussion at Dalun, a participant, Afa Saakibu, narrated how he benefited from Simli Radio. 2.10 Challenges to Community Radio 15-17 They have a vital role to play in the communication of agricultural information among the literate farmers. The stationâs business promotion segment is aired for two hours daily between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 mid-day from Monday to Thursday. Therefore, the study examines the contribution of broadcasting media in dissemination of agricultural message to the rural dwellers with specific focus on the enlightenment and educative programmes of broadcast which help in promoting agriculture and to know the best medium to communicate and educate farmers as majority of them are illiterate. The study explored community radio as an effective tool for agricultural development because it is assumed that where literacy level is low, radio is the choice of communication media in transferring agricultural message to literate and illiterate farmers alike even to those in remote areas. Community radio broadcasting serves geographic communities and communitiesâ interest. Business owners said they use the radio to advertise their goods and services leading to increased sales and revenue. Also, to educate the upcoming communicators and interested individuals about the broadcast media for dedication of information problems and prospects. The second stage involved the sampling of 4 skins1 from 17 skins in Tolon-Kumbungu district and 4 skins from 20 skins in Savelegu-Nanton district. There is no doubt nowadays that research Institute Agricultural development programmes (ADPS), Ministry of Agriculture and Natural resources (MANR) depends solely on or in combination with other methods of disseminating agricultural information to rural farmer, the use of broadcast media (radio and television). He noted that radio was effectively used for the preservation and development of culture, citing old folklore stories that were broadcast on Radio One in local languages. 5Simli Radio is a community radio station located in a small rural community, Dalun, within the Tolon-Kumbungu District of the Northern Region of Ghana. 3.2 Research Design 20-21 vi. The historical philosophy of community radio is to use this medium as the voice of the voiceless, the mouthpiece of the oppressed people and generally as a tool for development (AMARC, 1981). The first was communities that host projects relevant to all three sectors of the GDCP, namely, DNK, Simli Pong or Women and loans and Simli Radio. v. To identify problem association with dissemination of agricultural information on radio and television. It gives us links to the outside world, too. (2001), âMaking waves: stories of participatory communication for social changeâ. 2.8 Importance of Community Radio 12 What A Manager Needs 5. By the core aims and objectives of this model of broadcasting, community radio stations often serve their listeners by offering a variety of content that is not necessarily provided by the larger commercial radio stations. The radio is highly praised. iii. 2.1 Meaning of Mass Media 6 Certification ii Often these two are combined, with the second being the primary communications agenda for ⦠How can farmers benefit from agricultural programmes disseminate through radio and television? 2.7 Concept of Community Radio 11 There has also been increased awareness on hygiene and sanitation issues in the sampled communities as well as enhanced social cohesion, manifesting itself in several ways including friendship and conflict reduction. vi. Table of contents v Within the catchment area therefore, the station is reinvigorating these forms of traditional entertainments that held the people together. The thesis investigates community radio as a tool for development drawing on case studies of Nkhotakota and Mzimba community radio stations in Malawi. 3.7 Validity and Reliability of Study Instrument 22 To play this role they need to provide quality programmes to ensure continued audience, and support from the community. Simli Radio is a station without equalâ. Most woman who were misbehaving have changed from bad to good as result of listening to Simli Radio. Media outfits especially radio and television stations will at the end of this work dedicate airtime for programme that will focus extensively on agriculture while presenter should be groomed for the purpose. Do radio and television educate and update farmers on latest farming tools and farm production? Acknowledgement iv This phenomenon in the area is a novelty as small business operators hither to had to commute door to door in order to reach out to customers and clients. We are here to answer your questions. Baum F. (2008), âCommunity Development in Healthâ. To know whether there is feedback between the source and receiver. The thesis employs communication for development and âanotherâ development theories to help understand the role of community radio in development. The âcool airâ radio (as it is also known) provides a channel to communicate information on development issues to people most affected and to communicate perspectives from the community to those in authority. 2.4 Importance of Agriculture in Modern Society 8 iii. CHAPTER ONE A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 12 communities for the study. Economic theory postulates that Community Radio, to a large extent, if effectively organized, performs three main significant functions at the grass root level for rural development. âRural Radio in Agricultural Extension: the Example of Vernacular Radio Programmes on Soil and Water Conservation in Northern Ghanaâ; Agricultural Research & Extension Network; Network Paper No. Rural and Remote Health 11 (online), 2011: 1555. Hither to, they went to Accra and would not remember we voted them but now Simli Radio calls on them and bring them closerâ. The overall strategy of GDCP has been to promote integrated rural development that will create an enabling environment for constructive dialoguing between duty bearers and rights holders; thus giving voice to the vulnerable and excluded to demand for and claim their rights. 5.3 Recommendations 33 Bibliography New York: The Rockefeller Foundation. Radio and television should mobilise community to the best agriculture practices through appropriate message and information needed to boost agricultural awareness among people while it is also expected of the broadcast media translate agricultural information into user’s local language that farmers can digest and understand. I used to spend about 3 days to get messages to some villages but now it is a matter of seconds. URL :, Centre for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary ResearchUniversity for Development Studies (UDS), P O Box TL 1350, Tamale, Ghana, Email:, Department of Mathematics, University for Development Studies (UDS), P O Box 24, Navrongo, Ghana, Email: (Corresponding Author), Department of Mathematics, University for Development Studies (UDS), P O Box 24, Navrongo, Ghana, Email:, OpenEdition Journals member – Published with Lodel – Administration only, You will be redirected to OpenEdition Search, The Role of Community Radio in Livelihood Improvement: The Case of Simli Radio, Water, Waste & Energy: Prospects for essential services in Africa, Indoor air quality: tackling the challenges of the invisible, Urban Agriculture: Another Way to Feed Cities, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in the City, Decentralized Electrification and Development, Environmental and social acceptability of major industrial projects: from risk management to shared prosperity, Stories of Innovative Democracy at Local Level, Improving Health Among Immigrant Populations, Haïti : Innovations locales, clés pour un développement durable et inclusif, Access to Healthcare, Healthcare Funding and Performance, Reconciling Poverty Eradication and Protection of the Environment, Fighting Poverty, between market and gift, A digital resources portal for the humanities and social sciences, Income through Increased Economic Activity,, Catalogue of 557 journals. Secondly, it enhances the capacities of local people to work together to tackle a range of social problems, including poverty and exclusion through radio. 16With the expansion of its activities to include the review of newspapers in the mornings, Simli Radio has provided a new dimension to serving its constituents. 2.2. Prime Minister Kebby Musokotwane talked about radio as an essential development tool â how it provides true empowerment and grassroot development. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics. Rolls S. and B, Narayan D. (2008), âEmpowering communities, informing policy: the potential of community radioâ. Larger percentage said they listen to agricultural progrommes on broadcast media to some extent. It came into existence just five decades ago. 11Simli Radio has been used to improve awareness and knowledge of solutions to community development problems within various sectors including culture, rural development, education, hygiene and sanitation, agriculture and local governance among rural people living in the Dagbani speaking districts in particular. As the incomes of women engaged in Income Generating Activities (IGA) have been enhanced with the help of the promotional activities of Simli Radio, there is increasing acceptance of womenâs views in matters that affect not only the family but the community as well. For instance, an opinion leader in Wantugu, Mallam Abu, said in a one-on-one interview that, âwe now know more about development in the other communities and how to get development ourselves. The specific objectives of this study are as follow: i. The station has largely been used as a tool for integrated rural development. Barr A. authorities, community leaders and among citizens, and promote ideas of responsiveness on the part of public authorities. The network of these community groups is a reflection of the character of a community radio by its legal status (Simli Radio Report, 2010). Abstract vi Findings show that the people of Obokun local government are having access to at least two (2) television stations and at least 3-4 radio stations. This strengthens local culture with the recognition that this is their station; it becomes a forum for a wide diversity of local opinions and views. The mast was also brought down by storm leading to the closure of the station. To be able to make useful empirical recommendation on how farmers can benefit from agricultural programmes dissemination through radio and television. Importantly, it raises and promotes peoplesâ participation in the development process. 3.1 Restatement of Research Questions 20 This research as being narrowed down to Obokun Local Government area of Osun due to lack of fund, time, geographical structure of Osun state other considerable logistics since it is very difficult if not impossible to study all the 774-local government in Nigeria. 127 January 2003 ISBN 0 85003 640 2. In its submission, MISA stated that Community Radio is an empowering tool for many communities that are often ignored or insufficiently covered by the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and other commercial radio ⦠(2007), âAdvancement through Interactive Radioâ Information Systems Frontiers Volume 11 Issue 2, April 2009. 26The wider nature of the operational area of Simli Radio poses the challenge of effective coordination of activities. Happenings in the external environment have influenced Simli Radio tremendously. Community radio in Ghana is playing a major role in the promotion of good governance and ⦠The listening public needs education on environmental protection. Background of the Study The community radio is a potentially strong medium for Nigeriaâs national development. More so, listeners have been able to broaden their horizon of knowledge through the opportunity provided to them by the radio in terms of broadcasting international news. The field study was designed to allow staff of Simli Radio to participate fully in the process. Work of this nature will benefit a lot of people: Farmer will benefit from the result of research findings as they will know how they can learn through their radio and television set. The Radio is located about 37 km away from Tamale, the capital of the Northern Region, in Dalun. However, the use of local language denies students who claim to learn English vocabulary from radio discussions. The station could not meet its target of the social programmes because of power outages. OFCOM have recognised the brilliance of your licence application. Listeners do not like interruptions in programmes they term as very entertaining and educative. The stationâs local agents, CBPs serve as liaisons between listeners and the station but most communities are yet to have their own CBPs. Particularly, programmes related to environmental issues should stress on land degradation, indiscriminate tree felling, waste management, soil erosion, desertification and climate change and how all these impact on peoplesâ livelihood. 3.5 Sampling Design and Procedure 21 i. Radio seems to have proven itself as a development tool, particularly with the rise of community and local radios, which have facilitated a far more participatory and horizontal type of communication than was possible with the older, centralised broadcasting model of 1960s and 70s. It is recommended that regular feedback from the listening public is essential in identifying listenersâ preferences and the taste of various listeners segments (youth, women, men, aged, etc) and to avoid politics and religion. Using the Most Significant Change (MSC) process, Walters et al (2011) assessed the impact of community radio in Indonesia and concluded that effective radio activities can make a significant change in a communityâs life. The taste of various listeners (youth, women, men, aged, etc) should be taken into consideration. ... Contii--- Community radio will be an effective tool in protecting and promoting local culture. 3.8 Data Collection Method 22 3Community radio can play a significant role at the grass roots level for rural development. Mixing Staff & Volunteers 3. 10Specifically, data were gathered on the use of broadcasting as an educational tool, for the promotion of traditional culture, for communication/information sharing, for entertainment and income promotion through focused group discussions. The sub-module on good Through the activities of Simli Radio, the people are encouraged to peacefully coexist at the family and community levels. In the first stage, 4 zones and 2 zones were sampled from a total of 6 zones each in the Tolon-Kumbungu and Savelugu-Nanton districts respectively. It has promoted small and medium enterprise development by creating market opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) operators and consequently improved sales and incomes. Due to modernity the traditional storytelling and communal entertainments are fast being replaced by modern forms of entertainment for the youth. Suva: Quality Print. CHAPTER ONE Radio in this regard provides a set of participatory communication techniques that support agricultural extension efforts by using local languages to communicate directly with farmers and listenersâ groups. A participant in a focus group discussion summarized this point by saying that, âthe sports programme has unified us. Managing Volunteers 7. It has an important role in different stages of social change and development. Hence, community radio as media by and for the communities is a pro-people media. Does time provide for agricultural programmes on radio and television is enough and appropriate? To what extent do broadcast media receive feedback from farmers during agricultural programme? Despite being regarded as âold mediaâ, community radio is one of the most popular media channels in Zambia and plays an important role in society, particularly in rural districts. The British Council managed Zambia Accountability Programme (ZAP) is working to strengthen community radio as a tool ⦠In this research, an attempt is made to deal about the importance of radio, television, newspaper and farm magazines and their effect in promoting modern agricultural process in Ife-East Local government. Community Radio can also help in taking initiatives such as spreading the education, discuss on local maters and to take on the corrupt authorities. Football is very useful for the youth; it unifies us and engages us in the dry seasonâ (Shahadu, Dalun Community). 14The programmes are popular and the listeners are inspired to improve upon their familyâs daily life. In (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); Use this article as a guide for your own research paper (if properly cited). 25This level of appreciation by the people is in line with view of Walters et al (2011) that effective radio activities can make a significant change in a communityâs life. Community Radio as a Veritable Tool for Development in the Niger Delta Community radio according to the African Charter on Broadcasting, is a radio which is for, by and about the community, whose ownership and management is representative of the community, which pursues a social development agenda, and, which is non-profit. The people listen in groups and take notice of issues raised and sometimes call in to make their opinions known. 1s community radio an effective tool for grassroots development? Youâve got your key partners in place and you are ready to replicate the thrill of your RSL broadcasts for up to 24 hours a day⦠Sterling S., O'Brien J., and Bennett J. 19The radio has established itself as an important cultural and educational institution in the Dagbon traditional area. Simli Radio has brought to me improved living conditionâ. On the programme guide of the station, Tehisuma Saha (Morality Talk Show) and Ti-Bom-Yem (Letsâ Seek Knowledge) are programmes designed to promote social cohesion. In terms of ownership community members feel they are part of the ownership because their suggestions or recommendations have been heeded to by staff of the station. By employing the principles of Participatory Action Research (PAR), the authors found that women will be more likely to benefit from technology-mediated opportunities for development if they themselves produce information that contributes to their advancement, rather than simply consuming information provided by others (Sterling et al 2007). Indeed, Simli Radio has considerable impact on listeners in the communities. Key Principles 2. A herbalist, Mba Alaasani who has benefited in this regard testified that it was now easy to create awareness of his products as he simply needs to contact the Community Based Producer (CBP) within his community. Another advantage is that it encourages high level participation given the high illiteracy rate in the catchment area. Through its (Simli Radio) strategy of communal listenership, more than 100 communities have formed listeners clubs across the two administrative districts in the Northern Region. Objectives: ⢠To identify how far the community radio has played its role in creating awareness about the local issues such as social, environment and economic. Chapman R., Blench R., Kranjac-Berisavljevicâ G. and Zakariah A.B.T. Community radio activists who have seen both the benefits and the difficulties of community radio claim that the donor community does not fully recognize the wide-ranging benefits of community radio in development and thus fail to respond viii. Radio is a convenient tool for information access. It is affordable, reaches rural areas and does not require special skills for operation.
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