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dorsal recumbency horse

Cryptorchidism is a developmental defect in both animals and humans. 1. Dorsal Recumbency: Getting Stuck Upside-Down. Once the peritoneal cavity is entered, portions of the intestine should be examined to determine the definitive cause of the colic. Hemorrhage is minimal compared to that which occurs when the procedure is performed with horses anesthetized and in lateral recumbency. Practice: Adjusting drug frequency and doses for neonates, Equine General Anesthesia Protocols and Procedures, Practice: Selecting equine drugs and protocols, For Future Reference - Create a drug reference table, Food Animal General Anesthesia Protocols and Procedures, Small ruminant analgesia, sedation and anesthesia, Camelid Analgesia, Sedation and Anesthesia, Exercise 3 Illegal and restricted use drugs, Exercise 6 Extrapolating withholding data, Suturing- intradermal/subcuticular pattern, Suturing - tension relieving suture patterns, Suturing - split thickness and corner stitch, Evaluation for factors that impair wound healing, Skin loss and exuberant granulation tissue, Equine Oral, Esophageal and Rectal disorders, The field colic - approach and management, Surgical Complications and Post-Operative Care, Impactions - Cecal, colon and small colon, FA GI Diagnostics & GI Surgery Principles, How to - Bovine Abdominal Exploratory- Right, How to - Bovine Abdominal Exploratory- Left, How to - Right flank omentopexy/antropexy, How to - Rectal prolapse submucosal resection, Tendon and ligament structure and function, Lacerations Involving Synovial Structures, For Future Reference I Castration planning, For Future Reference I Postcastration Instructions, Urine pooling, perineal body transection and urethral extension, How to - 3rd degree rectovaginal tear repair, Pregnant anesthesia animal sedation and anesthesia. Define dorsal recumbency. Blood gas values during right versus left lateral recumbency in all groups were also evaluated. Then pasture turnout with forced exercise for 20 minutes per day or more. Optional : place a ligature (modified Millers or surgeons) as far proximally as possible on the cord. Complications 4. Heini Rossi, Marja Raekallio, Merita Määttä, Heidi Anneli Tapio, Mohsen Hanifeh, Jouni Junnila, Minna Rajamäki, Anna Mykkänen. Common choices are flunixin meglumine or phenylbutazone. 2. The horse in dorsal recumbency, illustrating the relation between the lungs, diaphragm and abdominal organs. 1. Definition . Recumbency is a symptom of many differing conditions that can afflict dogs. Preoperative NSAID administration is indicated to minimize pain and inflammation. dorsal recumbency Measurement of end-tidal isoflurane concentration confirmed that after initial stabilisation, a constant concentration of isoflurane was maintained in the horse. the horses were positioned in dorsal recumbency, Horses 14 and 24were positioned in dorsal recumbency with a 10–20° angle to the right and Horse 28was positioned in right lateral recumbency. Beside this, what is dorsal recumbency? If a patient in this position, the medical profession can more easily examen certain areas of the body. To allow this, the stomach must 3. Effects of general anaesthesia in dorsal recumbency with and without vatinoxan on bronchoalveolar lavage cytology of healthy horses. This article “wins” as far as being the most sound and evidence based. A 20-gauge catheter was placed in the left dorsal metatarsal artery for continuous direct arterial pressure measurement and … The ventral abdomen and inguinal area are prepared for surgery. It just can't get back up, especially if they are in afurrow or slight depression. Roll the horse into dorsal recumbency and untie the hind legs. Term . The upper hindlimb should be pulled forward to expose the testicles. Airway cytology after general anaesthesia was similar to that of control horses that had not undergone anaesthesia. After both testicles are identified, the smaller or ventral testicle is removed first to ensure it is a testicle and to make it easier to remove to the second testicle. After placement of a mouth gag, through an oral approach with long-handled scissors ( Fig. Note: this usually wakes the horse up. Our primary aim was to determine when lung inflammation reaches its maximum and how rapidly BALF cytology returns to baseline after anaesthesia in dorsal recumbency. Lying on the belly. Relax the testicle so there is no stretch on the vessels that would impair hemostasis Crush firmly and completely. The anaesthetic was uneventful except for a brief period of hypertension and mild hypoxaemia. Procaine penicillin G or Excede are commonly used. Large Animal Surgery - Supplemental Notes by Erin Malone, DVM, PhD, Elaine Norton, DVM PhD, Erica Dobbs, DVM, and Ashley Ezzo, DVM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Assistance is required for dorsal recumbency. The horse was positioned in right lateral recumbency on a padded surface and conducted to the operating room where he was connected to a rebreathing circuit. Lateral recumbency is better for lung ventilation and can be done with fewer people. The horse is anesthetized and placed in lateral recumbency with the affected proximal sesamoid bone uppermost. Synonyms for dorsal recumbency in Free Thesaurus. Dorsal can make it easier to identify and remove small testicles. Lying on the back. Leave the emasculators in place while you remove the second testicle or for at least 1 minute for yearlings, 2 minutes for older horses. Each horse was anaesthetised twice for 1 h in dorsal recumbency using medetomidine-vatinoxan (MED + V) or medetomidine-placebo (MED) as premedication. The wound should drip constantly for at least several days. Lying on the left side. The horse is anesthetized and positioned in dorsal recumbency. The effect of selective mechanical ventilation of dependent lung regions were studied in anaesthetized horses (mean weight 486 kg) in dorsal recumbency. Horses are maintained on procaine penicillin and flunixin meglumine for 5 days after surgery. Vatinoxan did not consistently affect lung cytology or blood inflammatory markers. Vental Recumbency. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. "effect of lateral and dorsal recumbency on cardiopulmonary function in the anaesthetised horse" Other: "Includes references." Related terms: anaesthesia anaesthetic anesthetic. Procedure - Feed was withheld from all horses for 36 hours. The surgeon cleans hands, applies an alcohol based sanitizer and gloves. In spontaneously breathing anaesthetized horses in dorsal recumbency, ventilation was essentially centred within the dependent dorsal lung regions and moved towards non-dependent ventral regions as soon as CMV was started. Two of the series were performed after two different anaesthetic protocols (treatments) and one as a control series without anaesthesia. 1977; Gasthuys et al. Sternal recumbency - Also known as ventral recumbency, sternal recumbency is when the dog is unable to rise when lying on the stomach and chest area.. Also Know, what is the dorsal recumbent position used for? Risks of recumbency in the anaesthetised horse IT HAS LONG been recognised that anaesthetised horses, lying in lateral or dorsal recumbency, suffer a considerable degree of hypoxaemia in comparison with the conscious, standing horse. The surgery can be performed on the standing horse or with the horse anesthetized and positioned in dorsal recumbency. They are very similar to a turtle in this way. The testicle is stabilized and an incision made the full length of the testicle along its vertical axis down to the testicle. Anaesthetic indices (onset of analgesia, duration of analgesia, time of standing and time of recumbency): Onset of analgesia was faster in group 1 (5.80.66 min) as compared to group 2 (6.20.28 min) however, these values did not differ significantly with each other (Table. 1 synonym for dorsal: abaxial. The patient is positioned in lateral recumbency with the affected leg closest to the cassette or plate. Dealing with Stallion-like Behaviour 5. All information is peer reviewed. Vatinoxan as premedication did not consistently affect lung cytology or blood inflammatory markers after anaesthesia. In conclusion, recumbency following diagnostic analgesia of the SI joint regions can occur, but in the majority of horses, it has no long‐term consequences. For a closed castration, the tunic is not opened. [Article in German] The horses were subject to repeated BALF and blood sampling for 7 days after general anaesthesia with two treatment protocols, and without anaesthesia (control). Intra-testicular mepivacaine is likely to be more effective at relaxing the cremaster muscle. Stretch the incisions to ensure good drainage. Left Lateral Recumbency. [Acute hematomyelia after prolonged dorsal recumbency in the horse]. Sternal Recumbency. Anatomy Zoology relating to the back or spinal part of the body 2. Anaesthesia is known to increase neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of horses after lateral recumbency, but studies after dorsal recumbency are lacking. During anaesthesia a huge shunt developed, ie perfusion of completely unventilated lung regions, both in dorsal and left lateral recumbency … Term . Pregnancy Determination in Horses By . Supporting users have an ad free experience! Effect of reducing inspired oxygen concentration on oxygenation parameters during general anaesthesia in horses in lateral or dorsal recumbency E Uquillas Research and Clinical Trials Unit, University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden, School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 410 Werombi Road, Camden, New South Wales, 2570 Australia Definition . Extend the head and neck slightly dorsal so that they are out of the view. Looking for dorsal recumbency? Dorsal Recumbency. For an open castration, the tunic is opened and the testicle should pop out. The scrotum is scrubbed and rinsed with alcohol before and after the local block is performed. Blood-gas measurements were performed with the horse in the lateral position during spontaneous breathing (before selective intubation) and in dorsal recumbency during spontaneous breathing, general mechanical ventilation, and spontaneous … Dry gauze is used to strip the fascia from the testicle. adj. Performing subtotal ostectomy of diseased DSP with the horse standing avoids … In dorsal recumbency Pa O 2 decreased to 10.9 kPa during spontaneous breathing and was not significantly affected by general mechanical ventilation (Pa O 2 12.6 kPa). Effects of general anaesthesia in dorsal recumbency with and without vatinoxan on bronchoalveolar lavage cytology of healthy horses. Prolonged recumbency on their back (dorsal recumbency) Horse showing signs of excessive drooling (ptyalism) due to gastric ulcers. Note that the inspired concentration of isoflurane was approximately half the concentration set on the vaporisec Acetated Ringer's solution was Once the peritoneal cavity is entered, portions of the intestine should be examined to determine the definitive cause of the colic. dorsal recumbency synonyms, dorsal recumbency pronunciation, dorsal recumbency translation, English dictionary definition of dorsal recumbency. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd. Postoperative NSAID administration is strongly recommended for 3 days, longer if complications. Once an adequate plain of anaesthesia is reached, small incisions are made in the abdominal wall. Right Lateral Recumbency. Carol Raczykowski (Reprinted from Pygmy Goat WORLD magazine with permission) Pygmy goats are not the only animals that fall prey to accidents involving death by dorsal recumbency - rolling onto the back and being unable to get up. However, dorsal recumbency can happen to even your most slender andathletic doe. Note how the slanting diaphragm allows the abdominal contents to encroach on the diaphragmatic lobes of the lung. Ventilation-perfusion relationships were studied by the multiple inert gas elimination technique in seven horses while they were conscious and during inhalation anaesthesia with halothane. No differences in BALF matrix metalloproteinase gelatinolytic activity could be detected between the two treatments or the control series. inhalant anesthetics and in horses positioned in dorsal recumbency horse are nasal breather and can develop nasal obstruction such as congestion the large, heavy gastrointestonal tract places pressure on the lungs when horses are placed in dorsal or lateral recumbancy causing Clean up the patient, replace the halter and recover. horses are breathing ambient oxygen tensions (20%). The differences in BALF and blood variables between the two anaesthesia protocols and control were analysed with repeated measures analysis of variance models. Methods: Horses were anaesthetized with isoflurane in an oxygen-air mixture and medetomidine continuous rate infusion, placed in dorsal recumbency with an EIT belt around the thorax, and allowed to breathe spontaneously until PaCO 2 reached 13.3 kPa (100 mmHg), when volume CMV was started. With open castrations, the cremaster muscle  can be cut or emasculated (emasculation is quick, easy and minimizes bleeding). ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. During the two treatments, the horses received either medetomidine-vatinoxan or medetomidine-placebo as premedication, and anaesthesia was induced with ketamine-midazolam and maintained with isoflurane for 1 h in dorsal recumbency. Term . A blunt tendon The horse in dorsal recumbency, illustrating the relation between the lungs, diaphragm and abdominal organs. The order of the anaesthetic protocols was randomised with a two-treatment paired … A secondary aim was to investigate the possible effect of vatinoxan, a novel drug, on the BALF cytology results. As the emasculators are removed, check for bleeding. Marked increase in serum amyloid A was detected in some animals. Horses with this syndrome often have scar tissue that forms primarily in the pharynx and larynx. Stall rest until the following day. If the bowel is healthy and relatively uncontaminated, it should be replaced into the abdomen. Plus I agree with it the most. Erin Malone, DVM, PhD, Elaine Norton, DVM PhD, Erica Dobbs, DVM, and Ashley Ezzo, DVM, Large Animal Surgery – Supplemental Notes, Equine castration : A review of techniques, complications and their management, Intratesticular mepivacaine versus lidocaine in anaesthetised horses undergoing Henderson castration, Large Animal Surgery - Supplemental Notes, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, No food until awake, then feed a normal ration. Note how the slanting diaphragm allows the abdominal contents to encroach on the diaphragmatic lobes of the lung. Other ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, are at equal risk. Click to see full answer. The prolapsed intestine should be cleaned and throughly lavaged with a balanced electrolyte solution. A generally good match between ventilation and perfusion was found in the conscious, standing horse. Six healthy experimental horses were enrolled in this observational crossover study. Preoperative antibiotics decrease complication rates. Serum amyloid A increased markedly in some horses after general anaesthesia. Often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another; that is, nearer the back surface of the body. You will find many contradictions and old wives tales in the literature, in practice and in the videos. What are synonyms for dorsal recumbency? The effect of lateral and dorsal recumbency on cardiopulmonary function in six anaesthetised horses were compared. During anaesthesia a huge shunt developed, ie perfusion of completely unventilated lung regions, both in dorsal and left lateral recumbency and whether the horse was … Place the emasculators on the cord, making sure to be at least a few centimeters distal to ligature. Abstract. 1979 Mar;121(3):149-55. N2 - Clinical management of recumbent horses varies depending on the etiology of recumbency, general nature and training of the horse, and environmental setting. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology in horses after anaesthesia in dorsal recumbency was investigated. Clinical Relevance— Access and visibility are better when subtotal ostectomy of the DSP is performed with the horse standing rather than anesthetized and in lateral recumbency. Lying down, especially in a position of comfort or rest; reclining. When surgery is required, in most instances, the horse is anesthetized and positioned in dorsal recumbency, and the surgical incision is made on the ventral midline. The upper hindlimb should be pulled forward to expose the testicles. Even taking away the surgery part of anesthesia, sources of stress include moving the horse, exposing him to new people, restricting feed, having the … One horse was euthanised after 3 days because of failure to regain hindlimb function. Find out information about dorsal recumbency. For each horse, the EIT signal was recorded for at least 2 minutes immediately before (T1), and at 30 (n = … Additionally, the ligament to the tail of the epididymis is torn or cut with scissors. Effects of general anaesthesia in dorsal recumbency with and without vatinoxan on bronchoalveolar lavage cytology of healthy horses Cord blocks are more challenging but more effective; lidocaine can also be injected directly into the testicle. It is purely mechanical when a goat gets beyond that 90 angle withher feet in the air. Results--Respiratory rate was higher, tidal volume lower, and minute ventilation not different in lateral versus dorsal recumbency. Dorsal can make it easier to identify and remove small testicles. The PaO 2 values were lowest and the P(A‐a)O 2 values were highest in all horses positioned in dorsal recumbency compared with lateral recumbency and in SV horses compared with IPPV horses. Therefore, independent of primary disease, certain management strategies should be followed to minimize the risk of potential complicating factors. The effects of selective mechanical ventilation of dependent lung regions were studied in anaesthetized horses (mean weight 486 kg) in dorsal recumbency. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. 1991; Day et al. This is much more difficult with closed castrations – note below how far the testicle can be exteriorized from the body in an open versus closed castration. Lateral or dorsal recumbency under general anesthesia (xylazine/ketamine/midazolam/GG or similar combination). Ourinitial working hypotheses were that flow would rapidly redistribute with change in orientation ofthe horse so thattheflowwasredirected towardsthe lowermostregion ofthe lung, and Surgical Techniques For the Cryptorchid Stallion 3. Causes of Cryptorchidism 2. The horse is placed under general anesthesia in dorsal or lateral recumbency, with or without nasotracheal intubation. Equine castration is performed to remove the aggression and attention deficits associated with stallions. The horses were subject to repeated BALF and blood sampling for 7 days after general anaesthesia with two treatment protocols, and without anaesthesia (control). Equis ISSN 2398-2977. This position is also preferred by medical professional to help the patient give birth, perform specific surgeries, install and run IVs, and treating heart and genital issues. The testicle can be transected distal to the emasculators if it is still connected. A 5-mm skin incision was made 2.5 cm further proximal to the lateral collateral cartilage on the abaxial margin of the DDFT, palmar to the palmar digital neurovascular bundle. 1. Published by Elsevier Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2019.105352. Definition . Note his “modified closed” technique is really an open castration and a better option vs modified closed (7:50 min). If the rear legs are flexed with a rope it will be much more difficult to visualize the external inguinal ring. Click to see full answer. AuckburallyA. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Avoid crushing vessels with the hemostat; that confuses the issue later when you want to make sure you have a good crush or ligature. Beside this, what is ventral recumbency? Right dorsal colitis is a specific type of protein-losing, ulcerative inflammatory bowel disorder of the horse that has been associated with the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), most commonly phenylbutazone [].Although the condition is relatively common in the USA, it has not been reported in Ireland or Britain, despite many horses receiving phenylbutazone therapy. 1995). In veterinary anatomy, pertaining to the back or upper surface of an animal. Blood Gas Values During Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation and Spontaneous Ventilation in 160 Anesthetized Horses Positioned in Lateral or Dorsal Recumbency Veterinary Surgery, 1995 James Gaynor Asecond series was conducted to examine the time course in sternal andright lateral recumbency. ofthe perfusion distributions observed except in dorsal recumbency. Tweet . The institution of selective mechanical ventilation with a selective positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 20 cm H 2 O caused a marked increase in Pa O 2 to an average of 35.3 kPa. © 2019 The Author(s). Arterial oxygen tensions (PaO 2) fall from standing levels (approximately 100 mm Hg) to 60–80 mm Hg within 5 min of the induction of lateral recumbency and fall even further if dorsal recumbency is employed.1,5 Hypoventilation con-tributes to the decreases in arterial oxygenation, but In a study on anaesthetized horses, the position of dorsal recumbency was shown to impede pulmonary gas exchange even more than the lateral position, the arterial oxygen tension (PaOt) during spontaneous breathing of 90-100% oxygen decreasing to a value of 8-10 kPa (Nyman, Funkquist and Kvart, in preparation). 1. anaesthetized horse in dorsal recumbency. Resting; idle. onl y one-fift h o f th e tota l ventilatio n (McDonell, 1974). Pneumonia is one of the potential complications of general anaesthesia in horses. Ligate or recrush if needed. This shows a major lack of ventilation in the dependent lung, which may be indicative of atelectasis. Diagnosis: The only way to definitively diagnose ulcers is through gastroscopy, which involves placing an endoscope (long camera) into the stomach to look at its surface. Equine Vet Educ (2013): 25(9): 476-482, Intratesticular mepivacaine versus lidocaine in anaesthetised horses undergoing Henderson castration, Equine Vet J 2020;52:805–810. Ideally, food should be withheld for 6 hours. A generally good match between ventilation and perfusion was found in the conscious, standing horse. It is most commonly seen in postpartum mares, usually presents with severe signs of colic that are refractory to analgesic administration, and horses often lie in dorsal recumbency. Horses with left dorsal displacement are sometimes treated with exercise and/or phenylephrine—a medication that causes contracture of the spleen and may allow the bowel to slip off the nephrosplenic ligament. Risks of recumbency in the anaesthetised horse Tylor, P. M. 1984-03-01 00:00:00 Risks of recumbency in the anaesthetised horse IT HAS LONG been recognised that anaesthetised horses, lying in lateral or dorsal recumbency, suffer a considerable degree of hypoxaemia in comparison with the conscious, standing horse. Definition . The horse can be stabilized by a handler supporting each forelimb at the shoulder. Administration of high concentrations of oxygen often fails to produce a marked … Verify no skin is caught in the emasculators. Lateral or dorsal recumbency under general anesthesia (xylazine/ketamine/midazolam/GG or similar combination). The effect of lateral and dorsal recumbency on cardiopulmonary function in six anaesthetised horses were compared. or. In addition, most horses anesthetized for laparoscopic surgery are placed in dorsal recumbency and horses in dorsal recumbency are more likely to be hypoxemic than horses in lateral recumbency (Steffey et al. For the removal of an apex fragment, the animal can be positioned either in dorsal recumbency or in lateral recumbency. The effect of selective mechanical ventilation of dependent lung regions were studied in anaesthetized horses (mean weight 486 kg) in dorsal recumbency. Horses were placed in dorsal recumbency with the distal limbs maintained in extension. Dorsal recumbant position is used for several important reasons. Lying on the right side. Redrawn on basis of x-ray studies by … The EQUIBOARD surgical table, installed in more than 50 veterinary hospitals, rationalizes space in the surgery room with 5 movable and removable trays, support for dorsal recumbency position, enterotomy table, stainless steel coating, horizontal and special beds with central concavity to better accommodate horses in dorsal recumbency position, and exclusive remote control actioning. Remove the hemostats and check again for bleeding. collapsed alveoli, The large, heavy gastrointestinal tract places pressure on the lungs when horses are placed in dorsal or lateral recumbency, causing atelectasis neuropathy Some superficial nerves (e.g., the facial nerve) can become damaged (neuropathy) if intraoperative padding is not appropriate, or if the halter is inadvertently left on during anesthesia. Optional : cut the median raphe so that if one incision closes, drainage is still possible. Sample Population - Laparoscopy was performed on 6 horses (2 mares, 2 geldings, and 2 stallions) to record the normal laparoscopic anatomy of the abdomen in dorsal recumbency. Anesthesia: positioning 03 - dorsal recumbency, illustration relating to horses including description, information, related content and more. In this study, anaesthesia in dorsal recumbency resulted in no clinically relevant changes in airway cytology that could be differentiated from the effect of repeated BALF sampling. During the two treatments, the horses received either medetomidine-vatinoxan or medetomidine-placebo as premedication, and anaesthesia was induced with ketamine-midazolam and maintained with isoflurane for 1 h in dorsal recumbency. The cord is tagged (grasped at the edge) with a hemostat to enable it to be recovered if bleeding is noticed. Lateral recumbency is better for lung ventilation and can be done with fewer people. The pH changes paralleled the changes in PaCO 2. The horse was positioned in dorsal recumbency, with the pelvic limbs stretched backwards. Antonyms for dorsal recumbency. Hemodynamic changes in the spinal cord associated with anesthesia and dorsal recumbency may have led to hypoxic vessel damage, with massive hemorrhage after surgery, when the horse was returned to lateral recumbency. METHODS: Horses were anaesthetized with isoflurane in an oxygen-air mixture and medetomidine continuous rate infusion, placed in dorsal recumbency with an EIT belt around the thorax, and allowed to breathe spontaneously until PaCO2 reached 13.3 kPa (100 mmHg), when volume CMV was started. Position did not affect heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, or indirect blood pressure, although heart rate decreased during the anesthetic period. Start here for most efficient use of your time: Equine castration : A review of techniques, complications and their management. Monitor for swelling, arterial bleeding, eventration or off feed (fever). Patricia L. Sertich, MS, VMD, DACT, New Bolton Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania ... and the fetus appears to be suspended from the dorsal wall of the uterus by its umbilical cord and is positioned in dorsal recumbency. When surgery is required, in most instances, the horse is anesthetized and positioned in dorsal recumbency, and the surgical incision is made on the ventral midline. This is rarely performed but a heavy meal should be avoided. Explanation of dorsal recumbency General anaesthesia laparoscopy involves the administration of general anaesthesia and placing the horse in dorsal recumbency (on its back). Similar to the mediolateral shoulder view, tape around the unaffected carpus, pull the leg across the body caudodorsally, and secure the tape to the table (FIGURE 37). References When one or both testicles (testes) are not descended in the scrotum, the horse is called a rig, ridgling, or cryptorchid.

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