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warhammer 40k word bearers

Rationality and illumination of knowledge could only lead Mankind so far; the darkness of barbarity had to be beaten back, broken and burned to light the path to the future. That war would come like rain and stain the land with blood, but there were always the promises of joy even when all seemed lost. Were there those amongst the Legion who still wished to serve the Emperor? The death notice of enemies were spoken in ritual phrases by a Chaplain, as he scattered the ashes of dead and defiant worlds over the bowed heads of warriors. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This was the moment of Angron's apotheosis into daemonhood. The Word Bearers then raise their damned standards high and march into battle beneath cursed icons, bellowing catechisms and canticles of hatred at their foe as hideous drums beat out a dolorous thunder. Simultaneously with the Word Bearers' assault on Calth, Lorgar and the more reliable Word Bearers under his command launched a second offensive, a joint Shadow Crusade with his brother Angron's World Eaters Legion into the rest of the Realm of Ultramar, laying waste to the Five Hundred Worlds with reckless abandon, slaughtering twenty-six worlds in rapid succession. Some called Him an angel, others a spirit, some a daemon, others placed His nature higher still. The runes came to be replaced with distinctive esoteric geometry, readable only by those steeped in the mysteries revealed to them by Lorgar in the aftermath of his journey into the Great Eye. When the Campanile struck the fatally unprepared Ultramarines orbital docks, the vehicles of Invisible Truth turned their guns on their brethren without hesitation. XVII Les rescapés des Serrated Suns dérivèrent plusieurs mois dans le Warp avant d'en ressortir. Unlike many of the other Traitor Legions, the Word Bearers have remained a unified, if loosely organised, military force that has not split into separate warbands all vying against one another for power and control. They rule the Legion in the absence of their Primarch, who has isolated himself for 10,000 Terran years in meditation within the Temple Inficio to seek enlightenment and communion with the Ruinous Powers. But the World Eaters were waiting for them. None had ever imagined the heroes of this new age would take the field against each other, nor could they have predicted the wellsprings of spite between them. God they called Him, and spoke prayers to Him in the watches of the night and under the light of lost suns. La XVIIe Légion, celle des Imperial Heralds, retrouva ainsi son père en la personne de Lorgar, et fut renommée Word Bearers, en français les "Porteurs de Parole", en ce que leur rôle, selon l'idée de leur Primarque, était d'apporter l'illumination à l'Humanité par le biais de La Parole, qui constituait les débuts du Culte Impérial.9, Les Word Bearers se caractérisent par une loyauté sans faille envers leur Primarque, plus qu'à l'Empereur. They include names like Baruk Talgron, Noros Drennulan, Koros Vondar, Jadath Sethilon, Kemak Kartho, Verok Bol, Halam Ennar, Xaphen Mairon, Daroth Khoura, and Tarem Sa'quath. Faith in secrecy might be sincere but, ultimately, it cannot satisfy a driven soul. Given that the reasons for fighting were as important to the Word Bearers as victory, decisions about the course of a war or battle were often made by the Chaplains and enacted by the commanders. Known Warbands Both were steeped in the Old Faith of Colchis, a faith that was likely tainted by the powers of the Warp long before Lorgar fell from the sky. Few spoke of the XVIIth Legion as the Imperial Heralds. The worlds they had conquered since their conversion to Chaos also joined the side of the Traitors, having been secretly corrupted to the worship of the Ruinous Powers in the final days of the Great Crusade. That this requires the death of billions of people is a price that the Word Bearers are willing to pay to bring the truth first sought by Lorgar Aurelian to the rest of the galaxy. Celui-ci dû alors fuir dans le Maelström.1, Après la défaite d'Horus, les Word Bearers fuirent dans l'Œil de la Terreur avec les autres légions renégates.1, Récompensé pour son fanatisme, Lorgar devient un Prince Démon.1, La légion attaque souvent les territoires impériaux pour dispenser la bonne parole du Chaos. Their people utterly loyal to the Imperium and the Emperor; they were Compliant, but they were alone in an unholy land. The Urizen ordered a great gathering of his Legion while their fleet was already en route to Calth. One of the greatest perils the Word Bearers present to the Imperium is the taint they so actively seek to spread. It makes even the least soldier mighty, the craven is remade worthy and through its balm any hardship may be endured. One is the history of the Legion that the Imperium believed existed for decades after, the history of a Legion pulling itself from the pit of the past and embracing its true calling, a false history. Ensemble, ils allèrent plus loin que n'importe qui, suivant les indices découverts sur les planètes conquises, jusqu'à arriver au bout d'une quarantaine d'années de voyage, devant une gigantesque perturbation Warp d'où se déversait la matière primordiale de l'Empyrean.9 When they returned, it was clear that they were a changed force. He was no god, and would suffer no such belief in His realm. Shipped with USPS First Class. The Ultramarines were shocked by the millions of Chaos Cultists the Word Bearers used as human shields and disgusted by the hordes of daemons they unleashed from the Warp. Whatever the truth, the Word Bearers stood by the Warmaster Horus' side when he renounced his loyalty to the Emperor, and they fought at the very forefront of many of the battles of the Horus Heresy. Though the XVIIth Legion had achieved a monumental victory of sorts, it was all a matter of perspective. The XIIth Legion crashed against the XIIIth in rabid packs, showing why Imperial forces had feared to fight alongside them for decades. For example, the Stratagem Revered Host is a payoff, as this is a highly powerful Stratagem only available to Word Bearers (hereafter WB) On the other hand, Veterans Of The Long Warwould not be an example of a payoff here. A Dark Apostle leads his warriors in supplication to the Ruinous Powers. While each was a warrior, their concerns were not for the business of direct command, but for the strength of their brothers' spirits, for the clarity of their purpose and the purity of their actions. 40k: Word Bearers Descending from the sky on Jump Packs, they were the destroyers of false gods, ashen angels sent to reduce libraries and shrines to cinders with Flamer and, where a truly lasting destruction was required, Phosphex. From his personal Battle Barge, now renamed Infidus Imperator ("False Emperor"), Kor Phaeron directed a full-scale invasion of the Calth System. The Dark Apostles divine through many ways how a battle is to be fought and won, and the warriors of the Host of Lorgar obey unquestioningly. by James "One_Wing" Grover on Nov 16, 2020. As a result, Lorgar was determined to spread his own faith in the Emperor to every world that his Legion encountered in the course of the Great Crusade, a policy that would be in direct contradiction to the principles of the Imperial Truth. "Speak the words of Lorgar and you shall live forever in the glory of Chaos. In addition, like every other Legion, it is quite likely that the Word Bearers had their Astartes scattered in several different sectors, on missions that were sometimes held in common with other Loyalist formations. The Word Bearers proceeded to achieve a monumental victory at the Battle of Calth which ensued. Both Primarchs fought without heeding their warriors, their godlike movements an inconceivable blur to the Space Marines fighting around them. The Urizen was notably mournful, acting with great reluctance when his hand was forced to form this clandestine sect. With the Legionaries of the Word Bearers already on the surface, the ship's human population fled in the vessel’s final minutes. A leur grande surprise, seules quelques secondes s'étaient écoulées dans l'espace réel, depuis leur entrée dans la perturbation Warp qui sera désormais connue sous le nom d'Occularis Terribulum, ou Oeil de la Terreur.9, Lorgar décida alors de s'aventurer seul dans l'Empyrean, pour s'assurer de la véracité des rapports faits par ses fils. Word Bearers Legion Colour Scheme as displayed by Brother Kar'Gorax, the Arch-Tormentor of Hadravar VII. Most of the Legion's vehicles mount the Word Bearers Legion icon, often placed at the convergence of an intricate web of geometric lines. Les Apôtres Noirs décrètent comment la bataille peut être gagnée, et les soldats les suivent aveuglément. Never known for employing massed heavy armour formations, the XVIIth Legion preferred to focus its strength on infantry companies of various specialisations, and those armoured formations which it did employ were intended to act in close support of infantry. Each warrior of the Word Bearers is a missionary bringing the darkness of Chaos with them, preaching the one true faith to those that will hear it and exterminating those who will not. All that mattered was that their duty be done. These squads formed the core of the XVIIth Legion and the keystone of its philosophy of war: the aggressive advance of warriors in force. Also almost entirely supplanted was the use of ancient Colchisian runic script, once employed extensively to denote a Legionary's rank, status, role and deeds in a manner comprehensible only to other Legion inductees and to varying degrees depending on the viewer's level of initiation into its mysteries. The rumours came first: whispers passed between Imperial forces who had fought alongside the Word Bearers. The adoration of gods and the proliferation of ideas and beliefs that could lead to superstition and ignorance were weeds that had to be cut away with the sword of the Imperial Truth. Apr 4, 2017 - Explore Michael Davey's board "Word Bearers" on Pinterest. At the behest of the first Dark Apostles, the armour of the Word Bearers was changed from steely grey to the scarlet of dried blood. It is worth nothing that throughout their history, the XVIIth Legion made extensive use of bonded mortal auxiliaries comprised of religious fanatics (the precursor to the present era's Frateris Militia often utilised by the Adeptus Ministorum).

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